CBS began production for Season One at the California Studio by Filmaster Productions. Matt Gets it, Hot Spell, Word of Honor, Home Surgery, Obie Tater, Night Incident,
Smoking Out the Nolans, Kite’s Reward, The Hunter, The Queue, General Parcley Smith, Magnus, Professor Lute Bone, No Handcuffs, Reward for Matt, Robin Hood, Yorky, 20-20, Reunion ’78, Helping Hand, Tap Day for Kitty, The Pest Hole, The Big Broad, Hack Prine, Helping Hand, Tap Day for Kitty, The Pest Hole, The Big Brood, Hack Prine, Cooter, The Killer, Doc’s Revenge, The Preacher, How to Die for Nothing, Dutch George, Prairie Happy, Chester’s Mail Order Bride, The Guitar, Cara, Mr. and Mrs. Amber, Unmarked Grave, Alarm at Pleasant Valley, Word of Honor.